- Soups & Appetizers
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- Chef's Specials
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- Take Home Frozen and Fresh Items
- Wine List
Soups & Appetizers
Sopas e Saladas
(Soups and Salads)-
Caldinho De Feijão
Shot of spicy bean soup
Add torresmo/pork belly $4
Canjinha De Galinha
Organic chicken and rice soup with string beans, carrots and leeks
Caldo Verde
Potato and collard greens soup
Add Brazilian pork sausage $4
Salada Completa
Organic greens, watercress, cherry tomatoes, and heart of palms
Petiscos e Porções
Cestinha De Pão De Queijo
Basket of gluten-free cheese bread
Empadinha De Palmito
3 Brazilian mini heart of palm pot pies
Empadinha De Camarão
3 Brazilian mini shrimp pot pies
Coxinhas De Frango
3 chicken croquettes
Bolinhos de Bacalhau
3 codfish fritters
Pasteizinhos De Queijo Coalho
3 fried Brazilian coalho cheese empanadas
Pasteizinhos De Carne
3 fried beef empanadas
Mandioca Frita
Fried yuca sticks
Add parmesan cheese $2
LINGUIÇA Calabresa com Cebola
Brazilian pork sausage with sautéed onions
Carpaccio Com Molho De Alcaparras
Beef carpaccio with heart of palm, watercress, parmesan cheese and capers
Frango à Passarinho
Bone-in organic chicken cuts with garlic and fresh parsley
Torresminho com Limão
Fried pork belly with limes
Lula Frita
Local fried calamari
Camarão ao Alho e ÓLEO
Wild jumbo shrimp sautéed with garlic and extra virgin olive oil
Casquinha De Siri
Lump and claw crab meat baked with tomatoes, parmesan cheese and bread crumbs
Picanha Fatiada Com Farofa
Sliced Brazilian prime-cut steak with toasted yuca flour
subs $1 each
Pratos Principais
(Main Courses)
strogonoff de alcatra
Strips of beef, cream, mushrooms, and tomatoes served with rice and matchstick potatoes
Frango Com Quiabo
Organic chicken cooked with garlic, onions and tomatoes served with rice and okra
Picanha Grelhada
Brazilian prime cut steak served with rice, beans, tomato, and onion "vinaigrette" and toasted yuca flour
Filé Mignon Do Morais ($10 suppl.)
Filet mignon with or without whole garlic cloves, fresh watercress salad, and fried yuca sticks
Bife Acebolado
Thin-cut steak with onions served with rice, beans, toasted yuca flour, tomato, and onion “vinaigrette” and fries
Bisteca Com Couve E Farofa
Bone-in pork chop with toasted yuca flour, sautéed collard greens, rice and beans
Filé de Peixe com Banana Frita e Abobrinha Refogada
Wild fish of the day served with rice, beans, fried banana and sautéed zucchini
Moqueca de Frutos do Mar com Farofa
Bahia's seafood stew of local squid, wild shrimp, and wild fish of the day with coconut milk, cilantro, tomatoes and "dendê" palm oil served with rice and toasted yuca flour
Bobó de Camarão
Yuca purée with coconut milk, tomatoes, and onions served with wild jumbo shrimp, rice, and toasted yuca flour
Vegan Feijoada
Vegan version of our Brazilian national dish - Black bean stew with seitan, organic tempeh, baked organic tofu, and smoked apple sage grain sausage. Served with rice, fresh oranges, collard greens, tomato, and onion “vinagrete” and toasted yuca flour
Brazilian national dish - Black bean stew with prime meats served with rice, fresh oranges, collard greens, tomato, and onion “vinaigrette” and toasted yuca flour
Prato Vegetariano
Vegetarian plate with rice, beans, fried banana, and choice of 2 vegetables: collard greens, zucchini, okra, and fried yuca sticks or fries
Subs $2 Each
Especiais do Chefe
(Chef's Specials)
Peixe Com Limão E Alcaparras Com Couve E Mandioca Frita
Wild fish of the day with lemon and caper sauce served with rice, sautéed collard greens, and fried yuca sticks
Bacalhau Com Iogurte, Creme De Leite, Alho Poró E Batata Doce
Salted premium Norwegian codfish with organic plain yogurt and sautéed leeks served with mashed sweet potato
Strogonoff Vegetariano
Cauliflower, artichoke hearts, asparagus and mushrooms, cream, served with rice and match stick potatoes
Moqueca Vegetariana ou Vegana
Vegetarian and vegan versions of Bahia's traditional stew - Cauliflower, artichoke hearts, asparagus, plantains, coconut milk, cilantro, tomatoes, and “dendê” oil. Served with rice and toasted yuca flour
Rabada Com Mandioca E Agrião
Slow-cooked lean oxtail, yuca, and watercress served with rice
Picadinho De Alcatra
A classic dish with bohemian roots from the bars of Rio de Janeiro. Hand-cut beef sirloin served with rice, organic egg, collard greens, toasted yuca flour, fried banana, beef empanada and black beans
Subs $2 Each
Arroz Branco
White rice
Feijão Preto
Black beans
Sautéed collard greens
Abobrinha Refogada
Sautéed zucchini
Sautéed okra
Batata Frita
Toasted yuca flour
Chopped tomato and onion
Banana Frita
Fried banana
Chá Mate gelado com Limão
Brazilian iced black tea with lemon
Guaraná Antártica
Brazilian’s favorite soda
Suco de Maracujá
Passion fruit juice
Suco de Cajú
Cashew fruit juice
Água Mineral Com Ou Sem Gás
Sparkling or still mineral water
sm $6
lg $10
Sucos Naturais
(Fresh Juices)-
Coco Verde
Fresh coconut water
Freshly squeezed orange juice made per order
Freshly squeezed limeade made per order
Aplós Ume Plum Spritz
Sparkling cocktail infused with hemp
Aplós Chili Margarita
Sparkling margarita infused with moringa leaf
Ghia Ginger Spritz
Bitter aperitivo with ginger beer
Stella Artois
Modelo Especial
Brazilian Pilsner Beer
Talea IPA Local Beer 16oz can
Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Rose
French Bloom Organic Le Rose 750ml
Rose petals, wild berries notes. No sulfites, No added sugar
Caipirinhas Especiais
Limao Siciliano, Curcuma, Cravo e Canela
Lemon, turmeric, cinnamon and cloves
Limao Siciliano, Mel, Gengibre e Pimenta
Lemon, honey, ginger and cayenne pepper
Cafe Coado, Lasquinhas de Laranja e Canela
Brazilian coffee, orange peel shavings and cinnamon
Antioxidant: Mirtilo Framboesa e Maracuja
Blueberry, raspberry and passion fruit
Vitamina C: Limao Siciliano, Caju e Curcuma
Lemon, cashew and turmeric
Caipirinhas Tradicionais
A original: limao verde
The original: limes
Passion fruit
Maracuja com Limao
Passion fruit and lime
Caju com limao
Cashew fruit with lime
Café e Chás
Strong Brazilian coffee served in a demitasse
Café com Leite
Brazilian coffee with milk
Chá de Hortela Fresca
Fresh mint tea
Chás Diversos
Earl Grey, Chamomile, Green Tea
(Desserts) $14-
Mousse De Maracujá
Passion fruit mousse
Pudim de Banana Com Merengue
Banana pudding with meringue
Pudim de Leite
Brazilian caramel flan
Manjar Branco
Coconut custard with plum sauce
Traditional Brazilian chocolate truffles
Brazilian coconut bonbons
Beirute de Carne com Batata Frita
Pita bread steak sandwich with melted Brazilian coalho cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Served with fries
Add an organic egg $3
Sanduíche de Linguiça com Vinagrete
Brazilian sausage sandwich with onion and tomato “vinaigrette”. Served with salad
Cestinha de Pasteizinhos
Basket of Brazilian fried empanadas. 2 cheese, 2 beef
Iogurte Com Frutas E Granola
Organic plain yogurt with fruits and granola
Ovos Poché com Presunto, Batatas Assadas
Eggs benedict with Applegate's Farm ham. Served with home fries and salad
Ovos Poché com Espinafre e Batatas Assadas
Eggs florentine with organic baby spinach and home fries
Omelete ou Tapioca de Três Recheios
Agrião, tomate, cogumelo, queijo, cebola, espinafre, presunto ou calabresa
Omelet or gluten-free yuca crepe with choice of 3: watercress, tomato, mushroom, cheese, onions, spinach, ham or Brazilian sausage. Served with salad$24
Tapioca de Carne Seca, Cebola e Tomate com Salada
Gluten-free yuca crepe with jerk beef, onion, and tomato served with salad
Ovos Com Batatas Assadas E Salada
Two organic eggs any style with home fries and salad
Add Brazilian sausage $6
Picanha Com Ovos
Brazilian prime cut steak and eggs any style. Served with home fries and salad
Rabanada com Canela, Maple Syrup e Frutas
Brazilian French toast with cinnamon, pure maple syrup, and fruits
Add Brazilian sausage $6
Empadão de Frango com Palmito e Salada
Brazilian organic chicken and heart of palm pie served with salad
Cestinha de Coxinhas
Basket of 4 Brazilian traditional chicken croquettes
subs $1 each
Caldinho de Feijao Com ou Sem Torresmo
Shot of vegan black bean soup with or without fried pork belly
Chicken croquettes
Pasteizinhos de Carne ou de Queijo Coalho
Beef or Brazilian Cheese Empanadas
Salada Completa
Organic mesclun salad, watercress, cherry tomatoes and heart of palm
Frango À Passarinho
Bone-in organic chicken cuts with garlic and fresh parsley
Mandioca Frita Com ou Sem Queijo
Yuca sticks with or without parmesan cheese
Casquinha De Siri
Lump and claw crab meat baked with tomatoes, parmesan cheese and bread crumbs
Pratos Principais
(Main Courses)-
Strogonoff De Carne
Strips of beef, cream, mushrooms, and tomatoes served with rice and matchstick potatoes
Strogonoff Vegetariano
Cauliflower, artichoke hearts, asparagus and mushrooms, cream, served with rice and match stick potatoes
Frango Com Quiabo
Organic chicken cooked with garlic, onions and tomatoes served with rice and okra
Brazilian national dish - Black bean stew with prime meats served with rice, fresh oranges, collard greens, tomato and onion “vinagrete” and toasted yuca flour
Feijoada Vegana
Vegan version of our Brazilian national dish - Black bean stew with seitan, organic tempeh, baked organic tofu and smoked apple sage grain sausage. Served with rice, fresh oranges, collard greens, tomato, and onion “vinagrete” and toasted yuca flour
Bobó De Camarão
Yuca purée with coconut milk, tomatoes and onions served with wild jumbo shrimp, rice and toasted yuca flour
Filé de Peixe com Banana Frita e Abobrinha Refogada
Wild fish of the day served with rice, beans, fried banana and sautéed zucchini
Moqueca De Frutos Do Mar Com Farofa
Bahia's seafood stew of local squid, wild shrimp and wild fish of the day with coconut milk, cilantro, tomatoes and "dendê" palm oil served with rice and toasted yuca flour
Moqueca Vegetariana ou Vegana
Vegetarian or vegan version of Bahia's stew with cauliflower, artichoke hearts, asparagus and plantains with coconut milk, cilantro, tomatoes and dende oil served with toasted yuca flour and rice
Prato Vegetariano
Vegetarian plate: rice, beans, fried banana and choice of 2 vegetables:
collard greens, zucchini, okra, fried yuca sticks or fries.
mousse de maracuja
Passion fruit mousse
Brigadeiros e Beijinhos
Brazilian chocolate truffles and coconut bonbons
Manjar branco
Coconut pudding with plum sauce
Pudim de Banana Com Merengue
Banana pudding with meringue
Pudim de Leite
Brazilian caramel flan
Frozen Items
Brazilians' favorite organic chicken croquettes
gluten free cheese bread
Casa's famous green hot sauce. Refreshing yet spicy hot.
32 ounces $28
the favorite table cream brand in Brazil for flan, mousse and stroganoff recipes
EMPADÃO DE FRANGO COM PALMITO E CATUPIRY INTEIRO (serves 8 people) 24 hour order in advance required
Baked organic chicken and hearts of palm pie with Brazilian cream cheese Please pre-order 24 hours in advance:
Whole Fresh $100
CUSCUZ PAULISTA INTEIRO (serves 8 people) 24 hour order in advance required
São Paulo’s shrimp cake with corn flour, heart of palms, green olives and tomatoes Please pre-order 24 hours in advance:
Whole Fresh $100
Wine List
Christian Etienne Champagne Brut Millesime 2012 Organic 750ml
Christian Etienne Champagne Brut La Rosee Organic 750ml
French Bloom Organic Le Rose 750ml
Rose petals, wild berries notes. No sulfites, No added sugar
Domaine Goulley Chablis 1er Cru “Mont Milieu”2022 Organic
Burgundy, France
Domaine Remi Jeanniard Aligote Vieilles Vignes 2022 Organic
Burgundy, France
Domaine La Croix St. Laurent Sancerre “Caillottes” 2023 Organic
Loire, France
Domaine Tinel-Blondelet, Pouilly-Fume “Arret-Buffatte” 2022 Organic
Loire, France
Glass $20
Bottle $80
Pierre Richard, Cotes du Jura Chardonnay “Les Marnes” 2020 Organic
Jura, France
Weingut Weszeli, Gruner Veltliner “Caractere” 2022 Organic and Biodynamic
Kamptal, Austria
Glass $18
Bottle $78
Castello Di Stefanago Pinot Grigio “Campo Piano” 2022 Organic
Lombardy, Italy
Yves Duport Vin de France “Celine” 2023 Organic
Bugey, France
Glass $14
Bottle $56
La Croix Du Prieur Rose 2023 Organic
Cotes de Provence, France
Glass $15
Bottle $60
Familie Bauer, Roter Veltliner "Urig” 2022 Organic
Wagram, Austria
Fernando Paiva “Leviano” 2021 Organic
Vinho Verde, Portugal
Domaine Remi Jeanniard Chambolle-Musigny Vielles Vignes 2022 Organic
Burgundy, France
Domaine Joseph Chamonard Morgon Fleurie “La Madone” 2021 Biodynamic
Beaujolais, France
Vincent Richard Trousseau “Hermetique” 2022 Organic
Jura, France
Domaine B &P Lambert Chinon “Les Terrasses” 2022 Biodynamic
Loire, France
Glass $18
Bottle $78
Christian Bonfils Cotes du Rhone Villages “Princes d”orange” 2022 Organic
Rhone, France
Domaine Andre Mathieu Chateauneauf du Pape “La Centenaire” 2020 Organic
Rhone, France
No Es Pituko 100 Percent Cabernet Franc 2023 Organic
Curico Valley, Chile
Glass $16
Bottle $70
Azienda Agricola Erbaluna Barolo 2018 Organic
Piedmont, Italy
Oeno Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 Organic
Sonoma, USA